Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Grunt + Bower + Maven

iTeach is a web application that helps independent teachers to organise their lessons and their agenda. It is composed of two main elements:
  • an API service
  • a GUI layer that calls this API
Although the API service is a standard layered Spring MVC application, built and assembled using Maven, the GUI layer is an AngularJS one-page application, that relies on Grunt. It is however obvious that those two modules are two parts of the same application, and I needed a way to integrate seamlessly the Grunt module into a larger Maven structure.

The application is structured this way:

    |-- pom.xml              // The parent POM
    |-- iteach-ui            // The WAR that serves the API
    |      |-- pom.xml
    |-- iteach-gui-static    // The GUI layer
    |      |-- pom.xml       // The GUI module is still considered a Maven module
    |      |-- Gruntfile.js  // The Grunt build file, plus other files
    |-- ... other modules

At the top level, the iteach-gui-static module is still considered a normal Maven module and is registered as such in the parent POM:


The POM file for the iteach-gui-static module uses extensively the exec-maven-plugin in order to call npm, bower and grunt in the correct phases:




                                    <target name="replaceVersion">
                                        <echo>Replacing versions in *.json files</echo>
                                                match=""version": "(.*)""
                                                replace=""version": "${project.version}""
                                            <fileset dir="${basedir}" includes="*.json" />


You can see the complete source code on GitHub.

In the validate phase, I run the following commands:
  • npm install
  • bower install --force-latest
In dev profile, during the prepare-package phase, I run the grunt clean dev command, that makes all GUI files ready in the local target/dev folder (important, see later).

In release profile, during the prepare-package phase, I do two things:
  • replacing the version in the bower.json and the package.json files by the version to release
  • run the grunt clean prod command, which packages and compresses all files in target/prod

Now, back in the iteach-ui module (the part that defines the actual WAR to be deployed), I introduce iteach-gui-static as a runtime dependency, in order to force the WAR to be built after the GUI layer has been prepared:


For the release profile, I just tell Maven to copy the target/prod folder of the iteach-gui-static module just before the packaging:


That's it for the release: the packaged WAR will embed the compressed static resources.

For the development mode, I'm using the tomcat7-maven-plugin and I tell Tomcat to use the target/dev folder of the iteach-gui-static module as the root of static documents:


Here we are.

So, to summarise my set-up:

  • a normal AngularJS + Bower + Grunt application declared as a Maven module, with the correct Grunt calls mapped to Maven phases
  • a dependency from the WAR to the GUI layer, with a copy of the static resources
When I develop, in a shell or in my Intellij terminal view, I just type grunt watch in the iteach-gui-static folder and launch my Web app using tomcat7:run from within my IDE. The grunt watch command launches a Livereload server that allows my browser to refresh automatically whenever I change one of my static resources. Neat.

At the end, when I release, I just have to rely on mvn package. The necessary NPM + Bower + Grunt calls will be done.

For the complete source code, go to GitHub.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Dynamic locale in AngularJS

As soon as one starts to deal with a multilingual application in AngularJS, he is faced with the fact that the $locale service is a read-only service.

As a end user of the application, I want to select the language I'm working with, and see the changes to the screen immediately applied.

In particular, I was also using the excellent angular-translate module for having my labels translated. I could change my locale for the translation module using $translate.use(locale), but the AngularJS locale itself was not changed - this made localised dates & times using the former selected locale. Very not good.

Here is the solution I have found for switching the language.

In the main module file, I add, before the module declaration, a detection of the current locale. In my case, I chose to store it locally, but it could be any other mechanism:

// Local storage for the locale
if (console) console.log('[language] Checking language on load');
var language = localStorage['iteachLanguage'];
if (!language) {
    if (console) console.log('[language] No language specified, using "en"');
    language = 'en';
if (console) console.log('[language] Using ' + language);

Then, in the module loading itself, I load the corresponding ngLocale module (which are available though the angular-locale_**.js file distributed with Angular - pity they are not available yet through Bower):

angular.module('myapp', [
            'ngLocale_' + language,

Then, when the user selects a locale, I just have to store it locally and reload the page:

$scope.changeLanguage = function (lang) {
   localStorage['iteachLanguage'] = lang;

Well, yes, I have to reload the page... But in such a case, I think this is acceptable.